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V5.3.225 John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Electronic Data Link Truck Diagnostic Kit

V5.3.225 John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Electronic Data Link Truck Diagnostic Kit

  • Item No. ABC38411

John Deere Service Advisor EDL (Electronic Data Link) heavy duty diagnostic adapter for construction equipment, agriculture, engines John Deere.With wide coverage of John Deere. and Service ADVISOR.

Write a review

by Mr Cullen on Jul 02,2022
Quickly connect, show everything. I recommend to buy! Thanks to the seller for the goods!
Replied by obd2 team on Jul 03,2022
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

obd2 team
by Mr Craig on May 04,2022
All as in the description. this John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Diagnostic Kit is good quality, working very well.
Replied by Julie on May 05,2022
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

by Mr Selekee on Apr 29,2022
working good this John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 is good quality, working very well.
Replied by Julie on Apr 30,2022
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

by Tomas Larsson on Feb 05,2022
How long will the john Deere 5.2 Ag license expire?
Replied by Julie on Feb 06,2022
Hello,john Deere 5.2 Ag license won’t expire if you do not install any other diagnostic software in same laptop.if license expire we can remote control for you and activate again.thanks.

by Brandon Beasley on Nov 27,2021
will this machine work for my 3038E truck?
Replied by Julie on Nov 28,2021
Hello , it can work for your truck, but you need select the 4.2 version software, thank you.

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