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John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Electronic Data Link Diagnostic Tool Plus lenovo T420 laptop With V5.3.225 AG+ CF Software

John Deere Service Advisor EDL V2 Electronic Data Link Diagnostic Tool Plus lenovo T420 laptop With V5.3.225 AG+ CF Software

  • Item No. ABC38411-1

John Deere Service Advisor EDL (Electronic Data Link) heavy duty diagnostic adapter for construction equipment, agriculture, engines John Deere.Support wide coverage of John Deere.Compatible with Service ADVISOR software.

Write a review

by Mr Juan on Jun 13,2022
did you install the software well ready to use?
Replied by Julie on Jun 13,2022
Hello, we have installed the software well ready to use , thank you

by Roger Towle on Feb 03,2022
How long is the license on the John Deere Service Advisor 5.2 Ag?
Replied by Julie on Feb 04,2022
Hello,john Deere 5.2 Ag license won’t expire if you do not install any other diagnostic software in same laptop.if license expire we can remote control for you and activate again.thanks.

by TIM MORRIS on Dec 18,2021
we have received John Deere Advisor EDL V2, thanks for your help and activation.
Replied by Julie on Dec 19,2021
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

by Patrick Stacy on Dec 15,2021
I’ve got the shipment, thank you. I have question if I may ask you, everything works ok.
Replied by Julie on Dec 16,2021
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

by Cecilia Heath on Dec 10,2021
the device recognition driver is the same as the original or is different?
Replied by Julie on Dec 11,2021
Hello,it use the same driver as the original thank you.

by John McCusker on Jan 13,2021
Everything works, the only thing but, the sticker was glued not correctly, it would be better not to glue!
Replied by OBD2.LTD on Jan 13,2021
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

Total 6 items, 10 items/p, current page 1/1.

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