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Original DSPIII+ DSP3+Odometer Correction Tool Full Package Include All Software And Hardware

Original DSPIII+ DSP3+Odometer Correction Tool Full Package Include All Software And Hardware

  • Item No. GBC11811

DSP Ⅲ+ is the most complete programming device for digital odometers, airbag modules, car radios, car immobilizers. It is a high-quality embeded system, which offers a maximum of flexibility and working comfort.

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by Ryan buchholz on Feb 22,2022
Can the dsp 3 be used for odometer correction on a 2016 Cadillac Escalade?
Replied by Julie on Feb 23,2022
Hello,yes it can support the odometer correction on your car.

by garrett c crance on Feb 04,2022
I received my dspIII but when I turn on that ask me for password, where I can find the password?
Replied by Julie on Feb 05,2022
Hello, the password should be the last six number of the series number thanks.

by GABRIEL REBERTE on Jan 04,2022
Relly perfect tool for Odometer Correction.Bought it for my small shop and very useful. Thanks.
Replied by Julie on Jan 05,2022
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

by Ben Booth on Sep 05,2021
I liked it because it’s technology is advanced
This scanner is great! It does everything I could want it to! Great product at a great
price and fast shipping.
Replied by Julie on Sep 06,2021
Hello, Thank you so much for your feedback.

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